Currywurst goodness The old man on his birthday Quadriga riding above the Brandenburger Tor Jewish Museum Aimes enjoying the swing band at White Trash Hobbes at the East Side Gallery (Berlin Wall) A Crack in the Wall The remains of Kaiser Wilhelm Gedachtniskirche Stop! Go! Aimes gets to know Ampelmann Gas masks in a Charlottenburg nuclear fall-out shelter Hobbes and the Reichstag Norman Foster's Dome and again The new Holocaust Memorial Anslem Kiefer at the Hamburger Banhhof Berlin's new and utterly impressive Hauptbahnhof The one and only ray of sun shine at the Konigstein Fortress
Dresden's rebuilt Frauenkirche Bastei in Saxon Switzerland Brrrr! Ceske Budejovice's (home to the real Budvar) Old Square Hobbes cruising about Cesky Krumlov's castle A oretty view of the quaint Cesky Krumlov Minorite Monestary in Cesky Krumlov Lonely man part 1 David Cerny's 'Miminka Babies' on the TV Tower -weird! Stained glass in St Vitus Cathedral Czech Beer Selection David Cerny's 'Hanging Around' Lonely man part 2 Prague streetscape To complete the set, David Cerny's 'Horse' A most impressive high protein lunch Lonely man part 3 - checking out of the Czech Inn
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