Sunday, December 09, 2007

Pat and Em's Wedding

As it has been about 4 weeks since we returned to the UK and it isn't looking like we will ever get around to making any sort of substantial post, we thought it best to just get the photos up... Anyways, was great to be back if only briefly, we hope it isn't so long between drinks (so to speak) from now on...
Pat and Em's Wedding - the kids
Pat and Em's Wedding - the family
Pat and Em's Wedding - the ceremony
Pat and Em's Wedding - the important stuff
Pat and Em's Wedding - the bride

Pat and Em's Wedding - the Reception

(Most of) the Warners Massive re-united at a Sydney 'must stop' Thanh Binh

Boys outnumbered at Love Supreme

Us - although jetlagged, pizza make us smile

Get the cranky woman a coffee!

Much better after a coffee...

Blink and you'll miss out. Family feast at yum cha, look at all those hands and chopsticks!

Melbourne Cup Day - before the third bottle

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