There has recently been a strange phenonenon over the skies of london, big yellow fireball has been sighted, which is reminicent of what we used to call the sun back in the warmer climes that we used to call home... this phenomenon has been related to the rise in temperatures with daily maximums getting within a degree or two of the nightly minimums of Moree. These occurrances led to us to hope that just maybe, summer had arrived...

Aimes and Kate
Unsurprisingly it wasn't long before our folly became apparent and after naively thinking that we had managed to outlast the worst of what (admittedly a very mild) London winter had to throw at us, and having put our coats in for drycleaning, this week reminded us just how wrong we were. No more outrageously warm, get your shirt off in the park, 20 degree days, replaced instead by the usual cold, grey drizzle...

Slides at the Tate Modern

Though it's not all bad news, the sun is still up at 9pm, the trees are green again and there has been a few great days over past few weeks. We have also just passed the 12 month mark of our stay in London, which despite setting new records for paleness, doesn't appear to have done us too much harm...

Anyways, it's been a while since London updates and what's been happening in this part of the world i hear you all ask... well despite the few trips we've been on recently (as documented previously) we have quite effectively established ourselves as home bodies. It seems Fulham has the same effect as Bondi or Manly, with the effort to get places being too much to overcome many weekends.

Our loungeroom becomes the Cricket World Cup drop in centre
The weather has been pretty good though, so there have been a couple of picnics (that's right poor-man's beach) Much to Hobbes' joy the warm weather has also led to a return of pavement beers (that is, standing on the road in front of the pub) and the Cricket World Cup and Anzac day have provided ample opportunity us to indulge in Australian nationalism, as you can really lose touch with Australian culture living in Fulham :)

Also in other news the British Government has seen fit to provide Hobbes with a work permit until 2012 under the illusion that he will provide some benefit to the country... now we only have one more hurdle to overcome before the visa odessey is complete - convincing the Home Office that our 10 year relationship is legit... keeps life interesting...
One from less warm times - the first outside beer of the year
One final summer/spring weather comment - what's the go with the constant rain of pollen you get here this time of year, you seriously can't take a breathe outside without getting a mouth full and the gutters are piled high with it. Too many plane trees I recon, where's Wilson Tuckey when you need him?
Chinese New Year hang over
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