A few more photos from the festive season.... and also a very sad farewell to Pennard Road and some awesome housemates!
NYE @ Oxford Circus Tube
Pennard Road
Since we last posted, NYE has come and gone, with 2007 being welcomed in various styles in Islington, Pennard Road and... West Ruislip. Despite a chronic lack of planning on some parts (which resulted in most favoured locations being booked out) we ended up having a pretty good one by all accounts at the Cedar Room in Upper Street.
Mim at Wapping Food
Industrial meets Fashion meets Yummy Mummies With Nothing Better to Do
Messy and Sara, on the Tube, NYE
'twas the night before Christmas
The new year hasn't brought too many changes thus far, with the break in scheduled programming of work and grey weather being waaaaaay too short. It probably doesn't help that much of our past few weekends has been filled with the thorougly unglamorous task of house hunting. Perhaps even less appealling here in London than in Sydney??
That paint wasn't there an hour ago...
The latest in London fashions
Christmas excessHowever, all this seemingly pointless trekking about town looking at delapidated hovels, has not been for nought, as just when we were ready to give up and doss permanently in Aimes' nephew's bedroom (what, you never read that part of the agreement Sid and Simone?), we found somewhere not just liveable, but actually (dare we say it), nice... but more on that next episode...
Pennard posse
Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder, farewell breakfast shots
Leith, Aimes and BreezaHowever, this breakthrough in the London housing market, has meant that we have said a very sad farewell to the awesome housemates (and dossers) that have made the past 9 months in London a constant party and have ensured that our accents have remained more 'you big bastard' and 'left one...' rather than 'you right?' or 'ahhh bless'. There have been many great times, and we have never gone short of someone to talk to or more importantly to sink a few cans with. Tonight is going to a bit of a test of our readiness to leave, as we have our first Sunday night/Monday morning in a while without a Ministry of Sound accompaniment...
Blast from the past, when Kath came to town
Hobbes at Nobu for Aimes' Birfday